The Future Demand for Doctors in North America

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Students come from a wide variety of places to study at Windsor University School of Medicine. You might be researching a medical career as you sit at your computer in Vancouver, Los Angeles, or Schaumburg. If you have wondered whether your Caribbean medical education will be relevant in North America in the coming years, you may rest assured that it certainly will be.

According to an Annals of Family Medicine research team, by 2025, the United States is expected to have a need for 52,000 more primary care doctors in order to satisfy the nation’s health care requirements.


A Look at the Future Need for Doctors

If you are contemplating an education at an accredited international medical school, you would be wise to consider what the future holds for you. Will you have plenty of work in the years ahead? The following findings should put your mind at ease:

  • Growing Populace– As the American Academy of Family Physicians illustrates, many more physicians will be needed just to meet the needs of the ever-growing population.
  • Aging Population– In addition to the continually growing populace in general, the aging population is another major factor contributing to the necessity for more doctors. Modern Healthcare reporter Andis Robeznieks points out that while the number of U.S. doctors is growing larger, that number may not be enough to support the expanding population of residents who are growing older. By 2025, the number of people over 65 is projected to nearly double in size.
  • Doctors Also Aging– One factor worth noting is that doctors are included in the growing populace of aging individuals in the U.S. In 2013, 10 percent of the 767,100 active physicians were between the ages of 65 and 75. 26 percent were between the ages of 55 and 64. This means that a significant percentage of physicians will be retiring in the near future. New doctors will certainly be required in order to meet all of the health care demands in North America.
  • Better Access to Health Care– The health care expansion, even as it may change, is another reason the United States is sure to be in need of numerous doctors in the next few decades. Because of the concerted efforts to provide better access to health care for more U.S. residents, it naturally follows that more physicians will be needed.
  • Shortage in Canada – The shortage of doctors is not limited to the U.S. In Canada, longer wait times for medical carehave long been a problem. In order to ensure that patients receive timely attention to priority health care problems (such as cancer and cardiovascular disease), more physicians will be needed. Another problem is that in the effort to address such health conditions efficiently, other health issues (such as mental health conditions) might not be treated in a timely manner. Thus, a considerable increase in the number of doctors will be required across North America.

Your Caribbean Medical Degree: The Key to a Prosperous Career

Now and in the future, the need for more physicians is undeniable. If you are considering a career in medicine, Windsor University School of Medicine is delighted to assist you in reaching your goals.


Contact us today for more information about our distinguished Caribbean medical university. We will help you get started on the path to a rewarding medical career.

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